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6Б класс Версия для печати
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Tuesday, 01 February 2011

Английский. Учитель: Зубец, Максимова

Задание. Выучить оба диалога целиком.

1. Going out in Winter

You are making plans for the weekend. Learn the weather forecast and decide what sport you and your friend can do. Explain why you prefer Winter to Summer.

A: Did you listen to the weather forecast for the weekend? What about going out together?  I need some fresh air, you know, I seldom go for a walk on week days.
B: Yes, I did. As the cold front crosses our region tonight, temperatures will drop considerably. The present temperature is 20 degrees below zero. 
A: It’s fine. I enjoy cold weather and I think we can just as well go skating or skiing.
B: Don't you mind the cold?

A: Not at all. I prefer a cold winter to a hot, dry summer.

B: I agree especially after the terrible August we had last year. Do you remember that heat-wave? In August people could hardly breathe that smoky air.

A: Exactly! So there are many reasons for me to like winter. It is a season of loud celebrations, as there are many holidays during winter days. (My birthday is in December, January, February). Winter is a jolly time for school children with long holidays and outdoor activities. 

B. Well, but what are our plans for Saturday? I prefer skiing, because the weather report promises that snow will develop at the end of the week.
A. All right! Let’s go to Izmailovo or Bitsa park. We can also invite some of our classmates to have a nice day together.
B. And I’ll bring my camera to take pictures of the most exciting moments.
A. Settled!
Useful words:

1. to drop



2. considerably



3. to mind the cold



4. a heat wave



5. smoky air



6. a jolly time for



7. to promise



8. snow will develop



9. settled



2. Going out in Spring

You are making plans for the weekend. Learn the weather forecast and decide what sport you and your friend can do. Explain why you prefer Summer to Winter (or visa versa).

A: Did you listen to the weather forecast for the weekend? What about going out together? I need some fresh air, you know, I am so tired after all our progress and final tests.
B: Yes, I did. As the warm front crosses our region tonight, temperatures will rise considerably. The present temperature is 18 degrees above zero. Sunny and hot weather will prevail these days.
A: It’s fine. I enjoy warm weather and I think we can just as well go swimming or cycling.
B: Don't you mind the heat?

A: Not at all. I prefer a hot, dry summer to a cold winter.

B: On the contrary! I can’t stand the heat. Do you remember that heat-wave we had in August last year? People could hardly breathe that smoky air. To tell the truth there are many reasons for me to like winter. It is a season of loud celebrations, as there are many holidays during winter days. (My birthday is in December, January, February). Winter is a jolly time for school children with long holidays and outdoor activities.  
A. But not for me! I am constantly coughing and sneezing in winter and having a running nose. Well, but what are our plans for Saturday? I prefer cycling, because the water is not that warm yet and we can just as well catch a cold. 
B. All right! Let’s go to Izmailovo or Bitsa park. By the way, I’ll show you my new bike.  My parents gave it to me as a birthday present.  
A. And I’ll bring my camera to take pictures of the most exciting moments.
B. Settled!
Useful words:

1. on the contrary



2. to stand the heat



3. to mind the cold



4 constantly



5 to cough



6. to sneeze



7. to have a running nose



8. cycling



Задание для 6б класса . Учитель Мартынова

Русский язык. Контрольные вопросы и задания .стр.140





Изучить параграф 30 «Изменение величин». Готовиться к контрольной работе №9. Дидактический материал стр. 141-143. К-9 (Виленкин). Решить в тетради любой вариант на выбор. По учебнику решить номера №1015-1019.

Для желающих доклад о положительных и отрицательных числах.

 Задание по биологии.

6 класс «Б» - ответить на вопрос письменно в тетради

                          Какие животные (кроме насекомых) опыляют растения?

Задание по немецкому языку для 6 класса


I. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст:


In Moskau haben wir einen richtigen Winter. Im ___________________ (1) ist das Wetter schön. Es ist __________________(2). Es schneit oft. Dann gibt es so viel _______________(3)! Auf der Moskwa-Fluss ist dickes ________________(4). Das Eis ist ganz blank. Manchmal regnet es, dann haben wir _______________ (5) und graues Wetter. Aber ich mag Schnee. Ich gehe da prima __________________(6). Andere Sachen machen aber auch Spaß, nicht nur rodeln. Ich mache auch eine _____________________________ (7) mit meinen Freunden gern. Mein Bruder und ich bauen immer einen ____________________(8). Er ist so groß! Das ist richtig lustig! Die Kinder haben Ferien. In den ____________________ (9)fahre ich zu meinen Großeltern in das Dorf.  Mein Opa erzählt abends interessante ______________________ (10), meine Oma macht heiße ____________________ (11).

Mit meinen Eltern fahre ich in die __________________ (12), in den Schnee. In den Bergen fahren wir _________________ (13) und Schlitten. Abends laufen wir __________________(14) auf dem Eis, trinken zu Hause heißen Tee und hören lange Geschichten. Ich mag Winter, denn wir haben Ferien und _________________(15) ist  zusammen.



Nebel, Schneemann, Winter, rodeln, Getränke, kalt, Schneeballschlacht, Geschichten, Schnee, Eis, Schi, Winterferien, Berge, die Familie, Schlittschuh


2. Переведи предложения на немецкий язык. Обрати внимание на спряжение глаголов и порядок слов!

  1. Я катаюсь на лыжах и леплю снеговика._____________________________


  1. Мой дядя живет в Берлине, и я еду зимой в Берлин.


  1. Мы катаемся на коньках на льду. Это отлично!_______________________


  1. Мои родителя катаются на (горных) лыжах, а мы с (mit dem) братом катаемся на санках._________________________________________________


  1. Я люблю Рождество. На (zu) Рождество я еду к (zu den) бабушке и дедушке.______________________________________________________________


  1. Куда едут твои родители?____________________________________________




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С именем Островского

Школа на Житной, 6
с углубленным изучением английского языка
имени А.Н. Островского
(структурное подразделение ГБОУ Школа № 627)

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