
1. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. Soviet Encyclopedia. M 1987.
2. Ackroyd Peter. London: the Biography L2000
3. Chesterton G.K. As Large as Life in Dickens
4. Vasileva L. Brevity is the Soul of Wit. Centerpoligraph. M 2003
5. Kornilova .E A short Chronicle of Life of Charles Dickens. State Edition of artistic literature. M 1963
6. Ivasheva V. Charles Dickens. (see above)
7. Dickens Charles. Sketches by Boz. (see above)
8. Dickens Charles. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club(see above)
9. Dickens Charles. Oliver Twist. (see above)
10. Dickens Charles. Burnaby Rudge. (see above)
11. Dickens Charles. Little Dorrit. (see above)
12. Dickens Charles. David Copperfield (see above)
13. Dickens Charles. Old Curiosity Shop (see above)
14. Dickens Charles. Dealings with the Firm of Dombey & Son(see above)
15. Dickens Charles. Letters 1855-1870 (see above)
16. Dickens Fellowship web-site.
17. Oliver Twist film oficial web-site
18. Wikipedia internet enciclopedia